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American Financial Services Association

Business Partners: Has Covid-19 Flattened Your Revenue Curve?

Business Partners: Has Covid-19 Flattened Your Revenue Curve?

We know you’ve missed gathering with new customers; Let AFSA help strengthen your connection to the consumer finance industry!

Take advantage of the best deal all year! Enjoy a single year rate for the remainder of 2020 and 2021, plus FREE registration to the
2020 Annual Meeting & Indpendents Conference & Expo, a bonus worth $1,300!

AFSA’s Business Partner corporate membership presents some terrific opportunities:

  • Access to AFSA Conferences discounts & attendee lists
  • Complimentary listing in our exclusive industry resource directory
  • Participation in committees of professional interest and networking groups
  • Subscription to AFSA*Track, the association’s comprehensive state legislative tracking system.

Don’t take our word for it. Check out a tesimonial from SourceLink, one of our current Premmier Business Partners.

After participating with the organization over 25 years, we consider our AFSA membership to be vital to our growth and success. Our team has served on multiple boards, including the Board of Directors, also serving in leadership positions on several committees throughout the years. AFSA’s content ensures we not only understand the nuances of the consumer finance industry, but also understand the business situation and needs of our customers. The various events are well attended by member organizations and leadership who are engaged in learning about new solutions and ways to grow their business which has enabled us to form many new and long-term relationships. – Greg Hamby, Senior Director of Business Development | SourceLink

Ready to Join? Questions? Visit the Business Partner Membership page.

July 24th, 2020

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