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American Financial Services Association

SGA Whitepaper Covers CA Privacy Act

SGA Whitepaper Covers CA Privacy Act

AFSA’s State Government Affairs (SGA) team this week published its white paper on the California Consumer Privacy Act. The paper takes an in-depth look at California's new privacy law, which was signed by Governor Brown this June and becomes effective in January 2020. The law is similar to the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and has significant effects on the financial services community. The paper is also available under the State Resources section of AFSA’s website.

On September 7, AFSA presented a webinar on the new privacy law, featuring Rick Fischer with Morrison Foerster and Meghan Musselman of Hudson Cook. Members can view a recording, download slides and review extensive Q&A’s from the presented in the Webinar Resource Center.

October 3rd, 2018

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